• Failed 5th Ave BID

    5th ave did nothing for its merchants

    5th ave BID did nothing to help Leskes and Lonestar! After $6 million dollars they are powerless and uncaring to do anything – as we stated a BID produces nothing, is self serving & self gratifying money monster!Will the 5th ave BID defer leskes BID tax so they can stay in operation? NO! Shout out to Councilman Brannan for helping save one of our merchants! This is the support we need and you did it WITHOUT an EXPENSIVE useless BID ADVOCACY TAX! GREAT JOB! Now stop supporting the 3rd ave BID TAX and lets work together to help merchants and property owners WITHOUT more taxes!

  • 3rd Ave BID,  Failed 5th Ave BID

    5th ave grant not used for what we were told?

    If we remember correctly, there was an OPINION article in the home reporter that said the 5th ave BID $300,000 grant was to be used for web sites etc… We remember the 5th ave BID was moving into a bigger office! We remember Bob Howe saying the free web sites will make you compete with Amazon HOWEVER………………………… Now an article states that the $300,000 grant is to be used to STUDY the ave than maybe have money left over for other items? The opinion article in the homereporter was another incorrect opinion and another mistake from mr howe – a BID does not produce anything for FREE. A BID is…

  • 3rd Ave BID,  Failed 5th Ave BID

    5 Million and Counting.

    After spending over $5 Million the avenue is dirty and the cheap BID signs are small and barely visible. Money well spent? Do we want to follow their example? A sad graveyard of it’s former self. Walking down 5th ave today I was taken aback by its decay and 3rd world feel. Myself and a friend commented simultaneously how dirty and unsafe we felt. Homeless, bottle collectors, the garbage combined with the gloomy and dirty looking stores was a realization of the failed BID and the govt’s policies in general. The kicker was the BID cleaner sweeping the street whilst a Sanitation agent tickets a building for garbage! – As…

  • Filthy 5th ave after BID
    Failed 5th Ave BID

    5th ave Garbage

    Sorry i could NOT allow this to go. EVERY garbage can had trash bags outside it. Every corner had filthy grease stains on the corner – is this what a BID does – keep trash on the street in the middle of the day? Sadly YOU pay for it – they will do ANYTHING to keep the money flowing into their pockets.

  • 5th ave small signs
    Failed 5th Ave BID

    Can you see it?

    Driving down 5th ave today, I had to look really hard to “see” the expensive signs that draw so much business to the area. Can you see them now? They cost well over 3 million dollars of your hard earned money. Lets not forget, the 5th ave BID for doing such a great job has been awarded another 3 million dollars to “study” the business problems of the area – lets review this, the BID has been in existence for several years, has wasted millions of your dollars and NOW needs more money to STUDY the problem? Yes my friends, the power that run these BIDS will do anything to…

  • Failed 5th Ave BID

    5th ave Bay Ridge BID wins grant to boost mom-and-pop stores

    Another $3,000,000 waste of money! The BID was created to help the businesses in the community – hence, after spending over $3 million dollars, they need an additional $3,000,000 in tax payers money top do what? “We’re thrilled!” BID Executive Director Amanda Zenteno told this newspaper shortly after the grants were announced. Basil Capetanakis, a member of the BID’s board of directors, said the board is pleased to win backing from the city. “Of course, we’re all excited. It’s a great thing,” he said. The BID will receive $100,000 a year for up to three years The Avenue NYC grant money will be used to fund two separate programs, according…

  • Failed 5th Ave BID

    Lets ask a few hard questions:

    $5000 donation – was this political? Can we enumerate this actual expense? Advertising – can they enumerate what this was spent on with examples and how they track it. $168k is spent to clean the streets – how many times a day/week and times is this service performed? $38k for security – can they provide their approx. schedule for verification or at least the contract and responsibilities of the private security. How many empty stores on average per year were there BEFORE and AFTER the BID? MOST IMPORTANT: Can they advise how the BID measures success in terms of BEFORE and AFTER – what metrics are they using and can…

  • Failed 5th Ave BID

    5th Avenue’s 450,000 a year BID: Has it made 5th Ave Better?

    5th Avenue BID Financials Explained (Click to view larger) How your money will be spent or wasted. You make the decision. $167,000 + to clean the sidewalk! is 5th ave cleaner? Was it dirtier before the BID? No one keeps track. On 3rd ave, we have the city using “low level law breakers” to clean the streets – We see them all the time cleaning with their brooms and pails. Will the BID pay for any sanitation tickets we can still get if we don’t sweep our store fronts – NO! Can we sue the BID if we are paying for a cleaning service yet receive a fine? Advertising/Marketing –…