Some facebook discussions we had with the BID committee. They Live! But alas no real person they hide behind facebook and will not meet to discuss. I gave them a chance – lets see…..
Make a BID on Third Anthony, you are more than welcome to start your own Merchants Association. Create a structure, apply for nonprofit status, collect dues, file for permits, host events, pay for Christmas lights… have at it! No one is stopping you. Good luck.

Anthony Pennacchio Perfect – STOP the BID TAX than! All of that can EASILY be done – we all have a LOT of experience in non profits, working with the city and negotiation contracts – been doing it for MANY years – watch the magic and we will “see” who is really interested in spending money – if not enough people than nothing needs to be done – thats your problem – if not enough people support your failed ideas you think you need to tax them. – Stop the BID work – with us – come to my office – mr How and others NEVER did – i offered to pay a year of lights, offered free web hosting, emails etc.. chip and the crew NEVER came to collect dues and you want these same people whom also had a hand in the failed $6 million 5th ave BID and counting to tell US they know better? stop hiding come out of the wood work, you know where i am, always open, we are offering an olive branch to STOP THE TAX yet work to make third great again. You all have offered NOTHING, no communication with us the majority, no transparency – where is the PERCH contract? howe lets perch run the meetings while he sits back in a daze. ENOUGH – give us control of the failed merchant organization – work with all of us and watch the magic – what are you afraid of? and STOP HIDING BEHIND FACEBOOK – SHOW YOURSELF AS I DO. my door is always open for discussion. We are not enemies but we will NOT allow you to impose a TAX on us. I am in several and KNOW first hand – do you? same words, same methods, same increases, same failures – we speak through massive experience, insight running many successful nonprofit and other businesses – what does your resume look like – lets compare and see who should be managing – prove your worth – so far all we have is a failed merchant and 5th ave BID.
Anthony Pennacchio It did NOT go un-noticed that you still REFUSED to give us control of the OPERATIONAL failed merchant association so we don’t have to reinvent the wheel – safety hidden behind facebook. we all KNOW each other – have howe step down – we give him a big send off party – than we all step in and make it happen – THATS what you should have said – work together – but thats not what you want is it? Who will be making money off this? who gets paid on 5th ave and their salaries? We have asked 5th ave for months and they WILL NOT release the information in detail – telling. Turn over the association to us ALL – even you guys and we can work together. Notice how we include ALL and you only include yourselves – the hidden ones! Afraid to really debate with facts not feelings? OUR door is ALWAYS open for anyone – are yours?